Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rookie mistakes

So, in KC yesterday I made a pitstop by Target.  LOVE that store for kids' clothes.  So I got Ian some summer stuff and one of the things I got him was a bright, white polo shirt.  What was I thinking, you ask? Well, I was thinking "Oh, how cute, Dave has a white polo and I can force them to wear matching outfits."  What was I not thinking?  That Ian is 13 months old and his new food trick is spitting things out.

So, here's a before shot - Ian with Kevin.  Clean Ian (and clean Kevin):

See how white the shirt is??

We had lunch in Lawrence at a BBQ place.  Where I offered Ian his first taste of baked beans, again without thinking.  That was the first collar stain.  Then later, Dave fed (attempted) him spaghetti for dinner. Those would be the other stains.  Finally, I tried to feed him a vegetable and selected carrots because they're his favorite.  At this point, the shirt was more orange than anything, so who cared.


Oh well.  Next time I'll get an orange polo.  He's still cute though. :)  He wasn't in the mood so much for his stroller today either, so I carried him a lot and Kevin pushed the 3 bottles of wine we bought in the stroller.  Fun day in Lawrence.  Tomorrow is Kevin's seminar and he'll be meeting a ton of people.  Then I drive him back to KC and collapse - it's been a fantastic weekend but I'm worn out!!

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