Monday, May 23, 2011

Physics, schmysics...

Ah...tonight was fun.  It's warm out, and we'd bought a bunch of pool maintenance stuff, so we decided to try and clean the pool.  It's not perfectly level, and I have to admit that the imperfection scares me, but I think it's ultimately my paranoia and not anything seriously wrong with the pool.  We got a vacuum that you hook to a garden hose and somehow the water from the hose makes it suck stuff up.  Dave says it's the Venturi principle.  I say that I hated physics, swear I never learned about that particular principle in college, and prefer to think about it as the sucky-inny phenomenon.  Anyhoo, you know those things you did as a kid that you absolutely hated, but as an adult, you're kinda glad your parents made you do it?  Well, let's just say my pool vacuuming skills came back tonight like riding a bicycle.  Oh yeah, all those years of slave labor pool cleaning in FL were paying off.  Until Dave told me to hurry up. Because did you know that the garden hose attached to the vacuum was dumping water in the pool?  That never occurred to me - and we almost overflowed the pool.  I love being married to someone who is smarter than me paid attention in physics.  Not done with pool vacuuming - a big leaf clogged it up, unbeknownst to me, so the last part of my vacuuming did not involve the sucky-inny part.  Plus I'm a slow vacuumer - you don't rush a master.

BTW, we have a fish on our hands.  We let him play in the water while holding him over the side (still a little too cold in the water for him) and he went nuts!  I have the feeling summer evening entertainment will NOT be a problem this year.

Today we found out that Dave's class might not make this summer - the decision will be made on Thursday.  Bummer, because it's money.  Yay because it means he and Ian can go to NY!! I have to say, I will be thrilled if we all go.  We're definitely going to take the squirt into the city for a day to do something fun.  Of course there will be blogging, stories, and pictures.

On a final note, today was the first time I swung Ian in circles holding on to his arms. You know what I'm talking about, right?  We didn't go too fast.  I wouldn't do it before because I swear I read somewhere that it was easy to dislocate baby shoulders and for some reason tonight I just thought his joints could handle it.  Boy, did he (and I) love it!  We didn't even go for very long, but when I put him down I realized I was dizzy and started laughing.  Ian tried to sit, but looked like a drunken sailor and finally fell in the grass, laughing his head off.  Cool - he likes spinning as much as his mommy. :)

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