Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  In the world of moms, I still consider myself a freshman.  Ian is 14 months old - we haven't even hit the terrible two's!  So, when I think about Mother's Day, I automatically think about my mom.  My mom is awesome.  My best friend, my support system, my cheerleader.  Between her and Dave, I feel like I can conquer the world!  Ian and Dave got me a very funny card, and my dad got me an Amazon gift card!  I was truly touched and surprised by this, but it was really sweet of him and the card will definitely get used, since I just got my Kindle.  My mom sent me an email that was so sweet it made me cry.  Great way to start the day!  So, to recap Mother's Day, I'd like to compare for a minute TV reality with real life...

In TV land, mom wakes up sometime around 9am to breakfast in bed presented by her smiling husband and already-dressed, angelically smiling child.  In my world, I didn't have the brain cells to shop for breakfast stuff for this morning, so after sleeping in until 7am, we all decided that some Sonic would be the thing.  I love Sonic.  In TV land, child has a nutritious, beautiful breakfast of OJ, cereal, eggs, and toast.  In reality, I had the bright idea of getting Ian his first real fast food breakfast because he had loudly and thoroughly rejected Dave's efforts to feed him his usual fruit, cereal, and yogurt breakfast.  So I got him french toast sticks, hold the syrup.  He loved them!  He devoured 2 of them!  And then they exited his body - it was a poop of epic proportions.  His gut, not used to so much fat in one meal, rebelled and let's just say that the smell was NOT pleasant.  Thank God for Dave, his diminished sense of smell, and his awesome diaper-changing ability, 'cause I picked Ian up, took a whiff and my eyes watered and I gagged.  Yup, they don't show you that on the commercials.

Ian took a nap, and Charlie and Lindsay helped us clean the pool and get it set up.  Pics tomorrow, when it's full.  It's going to be SO awesome!  Anyway, when he woke up, I decided to try making him his first PB&J.  We even used Jif, like the commercials.  In the commercials, the grateful child throws his arms around his mom or something like that because she made him a PB sandwich.  In my world, Ian looked at the sandwich distrustfully, then stuck his fingers in it.  After thoroughly dissecting the sandwich, he ate a few bites, then fed the rest to the dogs (who narrowly missed getting jelly in their fur), and polished off his sippy of milk.  Enter entire afternoon of trying to hone his furniture climbing skills.  He's almost able to climb on the couch by himself.  We Skyped with my parents and he climbed on the coffee table.  I'm getting that kid a helmet for Christmas.

Dinner was pretty uneventful.  Ian's in bed now, the pool is filling, Dave is working, and I'm blogging.  And I'm reflecting on today and how lucky I am to have my little marmoset in my life.  Oh yeah - we learned a new sound today.  We taught him what chickens say, since he eats so much of it - bok bok bok.  He was so cute repeating it!  We were also excited because he picked up one of his new mini- basketballs and said, very clearly, "hello ball."  Life isn't TV, it's even better.

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