Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh. Hell. Yeah.

1400 yards today.  Maybe not a lot in the swim world, but considering I haven't been in the pool in about 2 years, not too shabby.  And I wasn't gasping.  And I got to get out my toys.  And it was *fun*.  Win.

Other good things that happened today (in chronological order):

1) I found a crucial data sheet that had been missing.  Almost a year and a half's worth of irreplaceable data.  Yeah, we should've been more careful with it in the first place, but I found it paper-clipped to other data that my grad student had given me.  We were both extremely happy. :)

2) My new lab manual that I've been putting together for a couple of months is finished.  I was able to preview an ebook copy today.  And it's pretty.  It's a combination of the original material my predecessors had written (I contributed too) and we've been using for a long time and some content from other, already published, manuals.  I'm super excited.  I hope the students will be too.  Although I'll still probably be slightly more excited than them.

3) Dinner was practically tear-free! Ian had chicken, cheese grits, a couple of animal crackers, and applesauce!  Woo-hoo!  We had cheese grits with bacon, garlic, and hot sauce (and I'm not talking about using wussy Tabasco sauce either - this was hot sauce I brought back from Puerto Rico, it's really hot).

4) Playtime with Ian.  This happens every day, but tonight it just seemed especially good.  I know I'm repeating what every parent feels, but it's so cool to see him become more independent in his thinking and to see his personality coming out.  So cute.

So, I'm tired, but it was a good day. :)  I got more accomplished than I thought I would, I had some fun, and really, can you ask for more than that?

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