Tuesday, June 28, 2011

San Diego Science

Wow - the conference is almost done.  It's definitely been a good meeting, but I can't say that it's been my favorite.  Socially, my best yet.  I finally feel like a scientist.  Yes, 3 years after I got my Ph.D. and 7 TS meetings later, I finally feel comfortable going up to people that I admire and having a conversation with them like I actually belong.  Don't get me wrong - I'm not their equal, I just feel like I'm finally good enough to speak and not sound like an idiot.  So socially and professionally, it was a fantastic meeting.

Science-wise, I've heard some good talks and gotten a few ideas, but my head hasn't totally been in it.  I miss Dave and Ian more than I ever thought I could.  I wanted so badly to be there for Dave's first day of work - his first foray out of academia in 12 years.  Then Ian got sick with an ear infection and Sarah (our amazing sitter) got strep throat.  So Lindsay, my wonderful SIL, has been taking care of a sick baby.  She says that she and Charlie will not be having kids any time soon - it was an eye-opener.  Not that he was bad, just the level of commitment was eye-opening.  The 2 hour time difference means that I can't wish Dave a good day when I get up - because that would involve getting up at 4 in the morning here.  I've barely talked to Ian - I talked to him today and he said "Mommy" for the first time, not Mama.  Lindsay said he was in his cuddly mode - the I'm sick, don't put me down mode.  It kills me not being there to rock him.  To just sit in the recliner with him sleeping and drooling on my chest while I watch TV.  But I'll be home in 2 days.  I think next year I'm going to have to bring him and Dave.

I'm proud of my group - our posters were very well received.  One, that we hope to write up and publish soon, got a lot of compliments and someone asked my student how she thought of the project - she referred to me.  Inside I'm jumping up and down like a 5 year old.  Could I actually be doing this well?  No one came up to any of my students and asked where they got such a stupid idea - to me that's awesome! I don't know when I'll ever think I've arrived, but right now I feel pretty good.  I'm in a good place - a scientist, but one who is still a student, learning from and admiring the giants in the field.  Maybe, just maybe I'll be a giant myself one day.

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