Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas cards.  Then the Christmas photo card.  The Christmas letter updating you on the fam.  And now, because Dave and I are complete slackers and the internet is wonderful, the Christmas blog.  So, if you are reading this, it's likely that you are a family member or a friend, because, well, I can't imagine that total strangers read this blog. :)  So to all reading, Merry Christmas.

As I type this, it's 5am.  I've been awake since 4:30am.  Ian is asleep, so why am I up?  Because I absolutely can't wait to see the look and excitement on Ian's face when he sees that the rather sizeable pile of presents in the living room is for him.  And some of it wasn't under the tree before now.  No, he doesn't really understand Santa.  We've been letting him open a present here and there and he doesn't really understand why we're giving him presents, but I don't think he questions it too much.   And he gets so excited when he opens them.  I love watching him.  So, really, I can't wait to see how he reacts to that pile. And next year, he'll probably start to realize that Santa comes on Christmas Eve and that will be even more fun.

So what's in my stocking this year?  Have I been naughty or nice?  Well, Dave and I are getting some pretty large things, like a new armoire and a dresser that my grandfather built being refinished and a new sewer line (just what I always wanted), but those don't fit under the tree.  We have some nice new bedding and we took a mini-vacation to Kansas Ctiy.  So overall, I'd say we're having a pretty great Christmas.  What really excites me, though, really is the other stuff that doesn't go under the tree.  The people. (Warning: I'm about to get mushy).

This year, I'm so happy that I have my husband, a guy who really does treat me like a queen.  My partner in crime, the love of my life, and my biggest cheerleader.  The guy that knows all my faults and loves me anyway.  My son Ian.  The child I really never thought we'd have.  The most amazing, life-changing little person ever.  I definitely don't think I'm one of those supermoms, but I do know that in the love department, I'm up there.  So, yes, even though there are days when it gets old repeating "Ian don't touch" or "No Ian, don't pet the fish!" a million times, I'm still so unbelievably grateful to have him.  My family.  I have the most loving, supportive, wonderful family.  We honestly have each other's backs.  We're a small bunch, which probably prevents family feuds - not very impressive when a debate would mean 4 against 4.  Even though we don't live close to each other, we're still extremely close.  I know that we'll always be there for each other.  I know that my grandparents were watching us in church last night, probably laughing hysterically that Ian was playing peek-a-boo and turning the pages of the missal of the person behind us, much to my chagrin.  Dave's family.  I married into a crazy, eclectic, great bunch of people who really treat me like family.   My friends.  I'm so  lucky to have met so many awesome people in my life.  I can honestly say that there are people who have touched my life everywhere I've lived.  My friends are my extended family.  They help me maintain my sanity, for sure.  And the people who make my career a joy - my students.  Ok, maybe not every single one of them, but I have taught some pretty amazing people.  I mentor some really amazing people.  And they're shaping me too. I'm lucky enough to have a career where I'll never stop learning.  And I would mention my fabulous co-workers, but I already did - they're friends.  What can I say - I work in a freakishly nice environment! Ok, so enough mushy rambling.  I just consider myself to be the luckiest, most blessed person on earth.  I have so much love and joy in my life.

I hope everyone gets what they wanted for Christmas this year.  I will post later about our trip to KC and post pics from today.  Have yourself a merry little Christmas!

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