Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wild men and rockstars

Ok, today's post is mainly about other people because my day wasn't all that interesting.  Ooh, ooh, except I may have gotten the name of a contact that might be able to get me free slides for my summer course.  That could be really cool.  Other than that, one of my grad students gave a seminar today and did a very nice job and I talked about lungs.  Nothing too exciting.

I have to take a second and devote it to a rockstar - my sister.  She is superwoman.  She has been a mama now for 4 days, and I'm pretty sure she hasn't slept since Friday night.  She's doing so well.  If I'd gone that long feeding him around the clock, getting no sleep, etc, I'd at least be cranky, if not a little psycho.  She sounds like she's just so calm and patient.  Michael is one lucky little guy - he has amazing parents.  Well, and a pretty cool aunt, too, he just doesn't know it yet. :)

So...the wild men.  Well, really just a wild man.  Ian has provided some great photo ops the past few days.  This was how my wild man greeted me this morning - love the hair!

Got the hair calmed down, got him dressed in his spiffy plaid shorts and polo shirt (what, you thought he wouldn't be a preppy baby?).  And I wanted to take some pics of him in his cute outfit.  This is what I got:

The I'm-too-sexy-for-my-tractor pose.  This was after I'd taken 5 or 6 pictures, so I think this was really his Mommy-please-quit-taking-my-picture pose.

Finally, I'll leave you with one of my faves:

The last one is from this morning too - Dave youtube'd the muppets doing the mahna mahna song.  Ian's favorite song in the world, for some reason.  :)  Happy Wednesday!

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