Monday, April 4, 2011

A milestone - Ian's first temper tantrum!

I am a bad mommy.  Dave is a bad Daddy.  Well, maybe not bad, but for awhile this evening we were NOT Ian's favorite people.

Before that, a quick recap of my Monday.  No workout - I was going to, but then I realized it was dark and cold outside - snooze button won.  I'm probably going swimming tomorrow with a goal of 1600 yards.  One of my best friends and favorite person in the world, Kevin, is coming in 2 weeks to give a seminar and to visit.  I'm trying to organize a potluck lunch for him so he can meet the grad students.  We'll see how that goes.  Class went well.  So all in all, a pretty good Monday.

Then I picked up Ian.  And all was good...until the fish sticks.  Yes, I, evil mommy extraordinaire, did not serve CHICKEN.  We tried baked fish sticks.  Ian - 1.  Fish sticks - 0.  He not only spit them out, he started crying.  Needless to say, I caved in a NY minute and made him chicken.  Dave went to the store for milk and yogurt and Ian tried to "help" me unload the dishwasher.  And by help, I mean quasi-destroy.  He wound up in his jumper - aka baby jail - while I finished the dishes.  He had a little tantrum, but then settled down and played with the toys...until Dave returned.  Then he had a BIG meltdown.  I'm sure it translated to something like "Look where Mommy put me and all I was trying to do was help and she's mean and you'd never do anything like this!"  Or something to that effect.  After about 10 minutes of inconsolable crying (Dave got him out of baby jail), he calmed down and started playing by the front window.  All was good until he started to reach for the picture frames on the entertainment center.  We told him no (he knows he's not supposed to touch) and that unleashed another round of tears.  Oh yes, we're horrible.  Tears lasted until bathtime a few minutes later, and thankfully we managed to get the bath right.  And he got his baba.  And he went to bed peacefully - whew!

Trying something new for breakfast tomorrow - Baked Amish Oatmeal.  I followed this recipe, with a couple of substitutions.  Instead of the butter, I used 1/3 cup applesauce, instead of 3/4 cup brown sugar, I used 1/2c Splenda and about 1/4c brown sugar.  I didn't soak it overnight - I baked it right away.  Oh yeah, and pumpkin pie spice instead of cinnamon.

I'll let you know tomorrow how it is.  So far, it smells good!

1 comment:

  1. My youngest had the worst temper tantrum yesterday in the grocery store. She wasn't really crying as much as screaming at the top of her lungs. She even knocked my glasses off of my face. I staired at her in amazement and had a hard time fighting off the urge to laugh. She has never screamed like that before. I guess behavior like that is how two-year-olds got their reputation. I've never gotten so many dirty looks in my life. It was a very short shopping trip.
