Monday, March 28, 2011

Win some, lose some...

Workout today - meh.  I lasted about 2.3 minutes on the treadmill, did 2 miles on the elliptical, and called it a day.  And it made me realize - why am I trying to be a runner?  I hate running.  The only runner's high that I ever get is from being finished with a run.  And I'm so slow that a friend told me, once upon a time, that the only way I'd ever pass the qualifying run for police academy (1.5 miles in 15 minutes) would be if he put marijuana in my back pocket and sicced a drug dog on me.  I firmly maintain that I could also run that fast if someone was chasing me...with a taser.  So after sucking it this morning, I realized, go with what you're good at.  And I am good at swimming.  I have short legs.  I have linebacker shoulders and freakish upper body strength.  Let's harness this.  So I'm going to find my fins, my goggles, my cap, and my waterproof iPod case, and I'm going to kick some butt in the pool tomorrow!  Just call me the white streak. Or, since it's been 2 years (wow!) since I've had a serious swim, I'm going to attempt to not drown.  Baby steps.

Another learning moment - this morning I had some plain yogurt topped with peanut butter, sugar-free jelly, and some kashi.  Too many carbs, apparently.  The bloodsugar did NOT like that.  Back to eggs.

Winner winner was tonight's dinner, though.  Spinach-artichoke pizza.  With ham.  YUMMY!

The recipe:
1 whole wheat pizza crust
1/2 cup sour cream (light or regular)
1/2 cup mayo (light or regular)
parmesan cheese
1/2 box spinach, thawed
1 jar artichokes (I used grilled, marinated)
meat, if desired - pepperoni is awesome, chicken would be good, ham was tasty

Mix everything except mozzarella, spread on pizza crust.  Top with mozzarella.  Bake at 400F (or whatever your pizza crust says) until golden.  The best part?  It tastes even better the next day!

Well, time to go find my swim stuff and dig out and try on, a swimsuit that I haven't worn since before Ian was born.  Yikes!


  1. Hellooo, lady! This is Lindsay from Alabama undergraduate renown. Just found your bloggie through Facebook and wanted to say hola and that you have a precious little man!!!

  2. Thanks!!! How are you? Your blog looks fabulous - I'm going to have to start reading!
