Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Chickee Monster

Dinner tonight was at Freddie's Frozen Custard.  It was way overpriced for what we got, I thought, and the food wasn't good.  Maybe they were having an off day, who knows?  Ian was in 7th heaven because dinner involved chicken tenders, some of Daddy's fries, and ice cream.  We've never let him have that much junk food in one sitting, but we all needed a pick-me-up.  And it was nice not to have to try at least two different meals before giving in to chicken anyway.  Just call him the Chickee Monster.

We went to Freddie's after being at the hospital for a repeat of some routine bloodwork for Ian.  His white count was a little elevated when they did his 12 month CBC.  No big deal - he'd had the beginnings of a cold last time we had blood drawn.  So, sniffle-free, we went back.  The last time, the tech got him on the first stick and there were NO tears.  This time...not so much.  Ian doesn't have the easiest veins.  We didn't get the same tech (who is one of my advisees too), and the tech we had tried a few times to get it, to no avail.  I don't know if she was digging - I can't watch anything involving needles or I pass out, pretty ironic, huh? - but 3-4 minutes of Ian sobbing was long enough for us.  I finally asked if the tech from the last time was working.  She said that he'd be in tomorrow and asked if we wanted to come back.  We said yes.  So, say a little prayer that things go better tomorrow.  I am not a wuss and I can hold Ian down for all his vaccinations, but having to hold him while they tried to find a vein while he was sobbing hysterically was heartbreaking.  I know he won't even remember this years from now, but  ya know, you hate to see your child scared or in pain.

So, after chicken and ice cream, all was forgiven.  We came home and played hard before bath and bedtime.  We listened to "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog" - you can't help but smile when you hear that song.  Go on, listen to this - I dare you to not smile once.  For a couple of reasons, I have spent tonight just feeling profoundly grateful for our sweet, silly, wonderful kid.  God blessed us.

Speaking of happy tunes, I played this in class today in honor of the cardiovascular system.  Oh yeah, lovin' some Potsie.  I always love my students' reactions to it.  I love being a little silly and funny in class.  Learning shouldn't be all serious.  One of my grad school profs said once that the greatest professors are half clown.  I'd say I'm at least 46.5%.  But don't let my chipper demeanor fool you - if you don't study, you won't pass my class. :)

Hope you listen to something that makes you smile tonight - life is too short to be anything but joyful.

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