Thursday, September 6, 2012


I wasn't sure  what to write about this week.  Sometimes I think that I should use more pictures - they take up space and you can add a caption or two and be done with it, but I kinda like trying to be thought-y (that's probably not a word).  Which is why this is turning into a weekly, not daily blog.

This semester, the fall semester, is always my toughest one in terms of commitments.  I teach more than I do in spring, the lab coordinator gig is harder because I usually have a crop of new TAs starting to teach for the first time, and I'm usually tired from summer teaching.  This fall I'm also a faculty senator (it REALLY, REALLY beats the SAC office - I  wasn't bitter and angry after my first senate meeting; I was almost always angry after a session in SAC.  So, I'm trying to make myself a little more of a priority in all this.  Selfish?  Maybe.  But the ESU swimming pool is cheaper than therapy and more legal than killing everyone who frustrates me. (I sound like I have all this pent-up aggression - I really don't.  I really do love my job.)  In the past, 30 odd years, I can't say that exercise has been a priority.  But I kinda dig this swimming thing.  In fact, I might even be a little bit good at it.  And I feel accomplished and justified in eating out for lunch if I get in my 1500m in 40 minutes.  But, when things get busy I tend to drop stuff like this.  Swim for an hour (including getting in and out of the pool)? But I could be doing x, y, z.  Yeah, I could, and in the past, I did.  Now, I've figured out that even more than exercise I need 40 minutes to myself.

But swimming is tiring sometimes, especially when you're upping your distance like I am this week.  I have a waterproof iPod that I love a lot and I had a pretty good playlist, but it was feeling stale lately.  So I loaded some new stuff on there for this week and boy-howdy, let me tell you it worked.  40 minutes to myself AND swimming to the Top Gun soundtrack?  Yes, please.  Seriously, try it.  It doesn't matter what you're doing - you could be cleaning toilets, but if you do it to the Top Gun Anthem, you're suddenly wearing aviators and a flight suit and are a total badass.

I can backstroke to none other to this song.  I'm pretty sure if I keep playing it as loudly as I do, I will be deaf by the end of the semester.

My other new favorite motivating song is Say Hey (I love you).  This one is so catchy that I did my last 100m to it, got out of the pool, and started dancing while I was putting my gear away.  I'm sure there are now several football players who were wondering who the crazy pale girl on the sidelines trying to dance was.

Some people are intrinsically motivated to exercise - healthy, feel good, blah, blah, blah.  Me, I need stuff - the lure of a new swimsuit, new music, the ability to picture myself swimming with aviators on in a music video for the Top Gun Anthem. :)  Hey, you gotta go with what works, right?

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