Monday, May 16, 2011

Pools, graduation, and bike rides

It's been over a week - sorry about that.  I promise that this will be an extra-long post to make up for me dropping off the face of the earth.

First of all - the pool.  It's still a work in progress.  Let's just say that neither of us majored in physics.  In fact, I think I skipped the class where the prof talked about gravity, slopes, and 5000 gallons of water.  We got the pool set up with no problems.  We were so excited (ok, I was excited, Dave is still on the fence about pool ownership).  We filled that sucker up.  And then we saw:

Don't know if you can tell from this pic, but there is a shallow end...and a deep a pool that is supposed to be one depth.  At first, we were in denial.  It's fine - so we have a shallow end and a deep end. Then I got on the manufacturer's website (gee, should we have read the directions first??) and read that having a pool on a slope is a BAD idea.  Like, the legs might collapse, the pool might collapse, serious bodily harm, etc.  I have to admit, the thought of ruining the new pool concerned me more than the threat of serious bodily harm.  But, concerned nonetheless, we emptied the pool.  Like all 4000 gallons of water.  Did I mention that the website said to fill it with 1 INCH of water and check the level then?  And to stop if it wasn't level at that point?  Well, hell, any amateur can collect data at 1 inch of water, but real scientists collect data after 2 days of filling the pool!

So, we've now relocated the pool to what we think is a more level spot.  Not perfect, but we think it will work.

Graduation - I went to ESU's graduation.  Which was outside.  In like, -30 degree weather.  Actually, it was probably in the 40's and "breezy".  Just for my friends who don't live here, when the chipper weatherpeople describe the weather as "breezy" in Kansas, they mean slightly less than hurricane-force winds.  Graduation - May 14, attire - pants, 2 camisoles, wool blend sweater, regalia that contains at least 70lbs of velvet.  Luckily, since I'm a chick, I got to keep my tam on.  My velvet beanie kept my head warm, although if I'd thought about it, I'd have sewn some earflaps on that sucker.  Big thumbs up to the dude at the UA bookstore who measured my head - I can now say that my tam can withstand 20mph winds without budging.  This graduation was kinda sentimental for me - my first class of A&P students at ESU graduated.  I know that I only taught them for 1 semester, but I felt like a proud mama.  When I met these students, they were in their first semester of nursing school, scared to death of the courseload, scared of my tests, hating the smell of cats, and stressed out in general.  I saw confident, happy nurses walk across that stage.  I also saw some of our grad students walk (none really mine, but I was close to them nonetheless),  two of my research students, Jill and Erik, and some of my advisees.  That's what this job is all about.  I absolutely love getting to know the students.  Erik was an absolute blast to work with and my only regret is that he didn't join the lab sooner.  He brought a lot of skill and a lot of humor to the lab.  He's going to make a wonderful doctor.

Side note here - I am SO extremely proud to wear my regalia.  It's an honor and a privilege that I worked damn hard for the right to wear.  But for the love of God, why must I look like an oompa-loompa in it?  Seriously, someone design something more flattering!!

So lastly, for tonight anyway, an update on the bike.  I biked to school yesterday.  And didn't die, but my legs hurt this morning.  And I had a really hard time even making it up the slightest incline.  The lowest gear feels like a mid-gear on a road bike - and there are only 3 gears.  So, I think I might have to go check out the 21-speed Trek at the local bike shop.  I'd really like to pull Ian on it, and right now I can't even make it up the baby hills.  Updates on the bike saga as it unfolds. :)

Now, I'll leave you with a pic of Dave and Ian - it's just wrong that I had to put him in his winter coat to go outside and play in the middle of May - but he sure is cute!


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